
Currently at the Ndohivyo special needs school there are 56 students. Out of these 56 students, 24 will not be able to attend school during 2011 without a sponsorship. And due to a recent Government Mandate, 13 addition students are attending without sponsorship or funding from the Government.

For just $150 a year you can allow a child with special needs to attend school.

During a school year every child sponsored will receive:

3 meals a day,

a bed at a dormatory,

and will be taught important life skills at the school.

For less than 50 cents a day you can sponsor a child. For a year these children, who would otherwise be unable to receive these basic necessities, will be able to have these basic needs fulfilled. Any donation will help make the school a better place for these students. Please help us be able to continue to send these children to school. Make a donation today.