Friday, December 31, 2010

February Fundraiser

We plan to have a fundraiser in February of 2011. The fundraiser will take place in Portland and will hopefully begin the sponsorship of over 30 students at Ndohivyo during the 2011 School Year.

The Ndohivyo Board

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ndohivyo now able to accept donations online

We have now implemented Paypal onto our blog and Kenyakeys website. We hope this will make it easier for you to be able to donate to help these students in need. Please continue to donate to this worthy cause.

Ndohivyo Board

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our Mission

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life of Samburu District special needs students with basic life & educational resources enabling them to be contributing members of society.

Kenyan Government Mandate

A recent mandate by the Kenyan Government made it so that every Special Needs person is required to attend school. Since this mandate 13 students have been enrolled into Ndohivyo school, in addition to the 56 already attending.

These additional students who were not attending before have not come with sponsorships or funding from the government. The school now requires additional funding to be able to be able to continue to provide these students with food, education, and a bed in the dorm.

8-8-10 Board Meeting

Our board meeting today gave us the time we needed to finish the mission statement. Our mission statement is posted above in a new post. We met regularly to discuss issues concerning the school and its population.

We will strive to provide these students with what we can give to improve the quality of their lives at the school.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

7-25-10 Board Meeting

We met today as a board and further discussed our mission and vision for the Ndohivyo Special Needs School. We were able to further develop our plans for the school. We will continue to post to you our ambitions for this program.

We hope to be able to continue to provide these students who are in need with scholarships and in the future more things they are in need of at this time. For example basical medical supplies such as a first aid kit, and additional teachers to support the increase in students at the school.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Board Meetings

Our board of directors met this past Sunday to establish our vision and mission statement for the Ndohivyo Special Needs School. We meet often to discuss new ideas to help us ensure that all of the students in need of sponsorship can attend school. We will continue to meet regularly to discuss any updates or revisions, and they will be posted.


We currently have a board of directors working very diligently trying to get individual and group sponsors to enable the students at Ndohivyo Special Needs School to attend school. There are currently 60 students attending this school in Kenya, Africa of which 24 students need a sponsorship to enable them to attend. Without this sponsorship, they would not be able to attend school.

An individual sponsor would donate just $150 for the student to attend school full time during a school year. This would allow the student attending full time to stay in the dormitory and have 3 meals provided each day.

We are also seeking donations from corporations and individuals to allow these students to attend school.

For more information about donations and sponsorships, visit:

For further information or to pledge a donation, contact Bill Self at:

To view video of students at Ndohivyo, go to:

Trip to Ndohivyo school in Kenya

My name is Bill Self. In November of 2009 I had the opportunity to travel with Brent Hayes, director of Kenya Keys. It was during this time that I had the opportunity to personally visit the Ndohivyo school in hopes of finding a way I could help this unique and very needy school. After spending just two full days at the school with the students and staff, the experience had a life-altering impact on my life. It is very difficult to find the words to describe the life-changing and profound experience one has in visiting this school for the first time and watching these kids struggle to get a good education to prepare them for the future. I was able to see first hand the sweetness and innocence of these special children. Even though I have a son with Downs Syndrome and have worked with persons with disabilities my entire career, I had never felt anything quite like I felt being with these children and their dedicated, loving teachers and care takers. The hardships they face are unimaginable to us from the developed world!

It has inspired me to devote my time to organizing a group of friends and neighbors to implement a fund raising program to help meet the needs of this school and the students who attend. In just the three months since I returned from Kenya, our group has already met several times and raised sufficient funds to ensure that every special needs student in the Ndohivyo school district will attend school during 2010. The 24 students that have been unable to attend due to extreme poverty, will now be able to start school. It will also make possible the hiring of more staff to meet the needs of this growth. Not only will this significantly change the lives of these kids, their families and the community, it will forever change the lives of those of us who are now working diligently to ensure that the program will be viable in the future. We have been immeasurably blessed by the opportunity we’ve had to connect with these beautiful children across the world.